Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2: Customize your Footer - Change the Footer content - The file editing modes

We have differently ways to modify your footer.
We try to explain someone of these.

The first one, the favourite for the Joomla developers, is to modify the language content files.
Starting form the main folder, go under language/it-IT/ subfolders...
it-IT in my case, for you choose your language.
In my case the file to change is the follow:
It contains some couples of key/value.
Well, you can change here directly the valueas you prefer.
Remember that if you leaves blank a value(mantaining the key=) the row, or the data correspoinding of will show blank.

The second way we have to modify the footer is to edit directly the php file.
In this first case directly the index.php under main folder.
Otherwise, if you have a footer added, as explained in post, you can go under /modules/mod_footer and edit mod_footer.php as you prefer.

In base of your target choose the way you prefer.

Remember always to do a backup before and after you edit.
All the three ways are not permanent.
So at your next Joomla version update, you will loose the data editeds.


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