Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Joomla 3 on Debian 6.0.6: install new language package

We have Joomla 3.0.2 over a Debian 6.0.6.
We need to install another language packge.
- Ensure you have turned-off the FTP Layer(directly on configuration.php or by web under Global Configuration --> Server --> FTP Layer)
- Ensure you have all needed permissions over the folder you have installed joomla(the necessary are these two path declared into configuration.php: $log_path and $tmp_path
- Upload your zip file with your language package from web by the administration page, under menu Extensions > Extension Manager > Install
- Go into System > Control Panel > Language Manager and select your just uploaded language.
- Remember you have 2 kinds(in the left menu) of settings to do: Site and Administration
