Thursday, September 27, 2012

Developing an Android application with Eclipse.... Step 1 - Install the develop environment

After the never ended post of some months ago... here....
now we re-try to write a more complete article on starting to develop an app for Android using Eclipse, on a Debian distribution.

Well, we are on a Debian 6.0.4 squeeze, and we ensure to have a sun java installed and ready to use, please refer here.

After we provide to download and install eclipse, from eclipse downloads page, the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" version is good.
At the moment we have downloaded the "Juno (4.2) Packages".

From site download the right sdk for your operative system.
In this case we have a linux system, so we have downloaded(from the archive file with our sdk:

Provides to explode the two archive files.

Now we go under Android Sdk Installation folder, go into tools and opening a terminal,
launch the command:
./android sdk 
A window will prompted to you for show what the available packages to download. 
We suggest to flag Tools, Android API(currently the latest is the 4.1)and Extras.
At the end of the installation close the window.
Start Eclipse application, and go to.....:
Help > Install New Software
and add one between the following lines
Flag the checkbox with "Development Tools"....
..and install them(...the tools.....).
At the end of Development tools installation you need to restart eclispe.

When eclipse restart it will ask to you where is android sdk installation path
or to proceed to a new installation,
well you now can browse and point to our Android sdk installation.
Fine!!! You have completed the development environment installation.
In the next step we see how to starts to write an android application!!!