Friday, January 25, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2 How to quickly edit current articles template

Really quickly trick....

Edit directly the follow file......


Have fun....

Joomla 3.0.2 How to set Global Preferences for Articles

Here is explained how to set global preferences for articles in Joomla 3.0.2.

Go under: 

Content --> Article Manager

Click on the Options button on the toolbar

You see all the global preferences.

Customize and save....

Have fun...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to set up CVS server under Debian 6.0.6, and connecting to it with Eclipse

First of all ensure you have ssh server....
If no see here....
After update repository indexes and install.....

apt-get update
apt-get install cvs

Now we see how to quickly configure it.....
create repository user and repository group

useradd repository

add user repository to repository group  

usermod -a -G repository repository

add user your_user to repository group

usermod -a -G repository your_user

create root directory for cvs

mkdir /home/repository

initialize cvs

cvs -d /home/repository init

give the right permissions to folders

chown -R repository:repository /home/repository
chmod -R 770 /home/repository
chmod 770 /home/repository/CVSROOT

Now provides to give the first import as cvs administrator, so in this case, as repository user I give the follow

cvs -d /home/repository import -m "Initial import" project_name username_that_add_the_first_sources project_version

Working with Eclipse, you go under New --> Other --> CVS Repository Location
and add as parameters...
- connection type: extssh
- host: hostname or ip of the machine where you installed the cvs, in my case localhost
-  username and password: the username, of system, that previously you added to the repository group and its password
- repository path: as in our example, /home/repository, that's the home directory that's you have setted for your cvs installation


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OpenSSH under Debian 6.0.4

This install ssh server on your machine.

apt-get update
apt-get install ssh





for customize your service details.

If you want to try connection

ssh username@hostname

more info here


What Linux version I have?

For Linux:

cat /etc/you_distribution_name_version

.....if you have Debian, for example....

cat /etc/debian_version


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2: Change Footer text - the control panel way

We see how to create a customized text footer module.

After the previous post, where you can see, three different ways to customize the footer editing the files, now we see how to obtain this result by operating on the control panel.
1) go under Extensions ---> Module Manager
2) click on New button and choose, from the propted list, the voice "Customized HTML"
3)Fill the Title, the Position(Footer), and go in the Custom output tab to fill with the text you want in the footer pane.
4) Save and close
5) Select the module, clicking in the checkbox and push the Publish button.

Reload and see...


Joomla 3.0.2: Customize your Footer - Change the Footer content - The file editing modes

We have differently ways to modify your footer.
We try to explain someone of these.

The first one, the favourite for the Joomla developers, is to modify the language content files.
Starting form the main folder, go under language/it-IT/ subfolders...
it-IT in my case, for you choose your language.
In my case the file to change is the follow:
It contains some couples of key/value.
Well, you can change here directly the valueas you prefer.
Remember that if you leaves blank a value(mantaining the key=) the row, or the data correspoinding of will show blank.

The second way we have to modify the footer is to edit directly the php file.
In this first case directly the index.php under main folder.
Otherwise, if you have a footer added, as explained in post, you can go under /modules/mod_footer and edit mod_footer.php as you prefer.

In base of your target choose the way you prefer.

Remember always to do a backup before and after you edit.
All the three ways are not permanent.
So at your next Joomla version update, you will loose the data editeds.


Joomla 3.0.2: Create a new Footer module

Here the simply steps to add a new footer module to your site, powered with the latest version of Joomla(3.0.2).....

1) Go under Extensions ---> Module Manager
2) Click on "New" to create a New Module
3) Choose Footer from the listed modules
4) A form will show to you.... Fill the Title and the Position fields(for this last choose "Footer" value)
5) The other fields are optional.
6) Click on Save and Close
7) Now search the module you have just created.
8) Select it clicking on the checkbox, and click on the "Publish" button.

Reload your home page and look your new footer module......

P.S.: look for how to customize your footer, by the edit files way
P.P.S.: and also here for customize the footer by joomla control panel


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2 - Defining home page

Joomla does not operates with pages.
We can say that it operates with View.
View on an article(for example).
So you can define the first article you want to display.

Go under Menus --> Main Menu --> Home

and choose what you want to display as first.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2 - Magic Quotes Gpc Off problem...

Should happen that after unzipped your joomla installing package, pointing on index.php default page, it notified that you have some values not correctly setted.
In this case I have the Magic Quotes Gpc Off as image(italian installation).

 This problem may happen in locale configuration or in remote on your hosting provider.

And it depends on php settings.

To solve this problem I create under installation folder the php.ini file and I paste these two lines:
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
session.save_path = "/tmp"

Reload the joomla current page and you will continue with your setup process....
