Monday, February 22, 2016

Oracle Java /JDK on (a vergin) Debian Jessie 8.3

Add in sources.list at the end:

deb jessie main contrib

then give these commands..:

apt-get update
apt-get install java-package

download the .tar.gz package from the oracle site. Choose the .tar.gz file

then, as non root, create the dpkg package

fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-8u73-linux-i586.tar.gz

At the end, as root, you are ready to install:

dpkg --install oracle-java8-jdk_8u73_i386.deb

At the end you are ready to use jdk... type for try>:

java -version

Pay attention, PATH and CLASSPATH have not been touched.
If you need you will have to update them.


Kodi on (a vergin) Debian Jessie 8.3

We do it throught the debian multimedia repository.
So open in editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file and add at the end this row

deb jessie main non-free

apt-get install deb-multimedia-keyring 
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

apt-get install kodi

if you know that you will use your kobi also for live tv you need to install a PVR add-on that in linux installer there aren't bundled.
Here is an example for iptv addon

apt-get install kodi-pvr-iptvsimple

Please refere here for the pvr addons available.. 