pdf file download link
or click on the below images....
pag. 4
apt-get install smbfs samba-common
echo 'smbfs' >> /etc/modules
mkdir /home/pippo/empty_directory mount -t smbfs -o username=pippo //windows_machine_ip/remote_and_shared_folder /home/pippo/empty_directory
mount -t smbfs -o username=pippo,password=pluto //windows_machine_ip/remote_and_shared_folder /home/pippo/empty_directory
If you want that the folder should be mounted automatically at the system startup edit the /etc/fstab file and
insert the below line:
//windows_machine_ip/remote_and_shared_folder /home/pippo/empty_directory smbfs defaults,user,noauto,username=pippo,password=pluto 0 0For a most detailed guide refer to this page
deb squeeze main contrib non-free
aptitude install firmware-ralink
Now we go under Android Sdk Installation folder, go into tools and opening a terminal,
launch the command:
./android sdk
A window will prompted to you for show what the available packages to download.
We suggest to flag Tools, Android API(currently the latest is the 4.1)and Extras.
At the end of the installation close the window.
Flag the checkbox with "Development Tools"....
..and install them(...the tools.....).
At the end of Development tools installation you need to restart eclispe.
When eclipse restart it will ask to you where is android sdk installation path
or to proceed to a new installation,
well you now can browse and point to our Android sdk installation.
Fine!!! You have completed the development environment installation.
In the next step we see how to starts to write an android application!!!
adduser guest --home=/home/public --shell=/bin/false --disabled-password
to create a guest user to use only as samba default user....
chmod -R 0700 /home/public
chown -R guest.guest /home/public
These commands configure the sharing in way of every user can create a content(file or folder)
into the shared folder.
No one may edit the content created by something others....
If you want some of differently, change the permission mask.....
Now edit /etc/samba/smb.conf
adding after the row
obey pam restrictions = yes
insert these others rows:
and in the ****Authorization**** section, these two rows.....:
; security = user
security = share
update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
to set to java command the right(and new) path....
java -version
to look this...:
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Unetbootin is a great tool to "install" a operative system starting from an iso image file.
As root install it:
apt-get install unetbootin
now type unetbootin command to start the tool.
Simply select the iso image file, select the drive and go!!!
/home/user/your_cd_or_dvd_backup.iso /home/user/your_backup udf,iso9660 loop 00
This row provides to auto-mount the iso file every time you restart the system.
Download and install the "Android Development Tools" plug-in.