Friday, February 22, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2: create a menu link to an other menu item

We suppose you have already create a menu item with in an article.
We need to create a menu link to this resource already existent.
The joomla element name for this is the "menu item alias"

So go where we want to create the link, suppose under top menu to link a main menu article...... But for all other needs is the same...

- From the toolbar, click on "New"
- Select the voice System Links ---> Menu Item Alias
- Fill the "Menu item title" field as you want
- Go under "Advanced Options" tab
- Choose from "Menu Item" select combo list the Menu Item(or what other resource) you want to link
- Save and close.

Have fun...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2: change site favicon

Ensure you have a 16x16 pixels image file. If not, resize what you have.
Convert your image in .ico image.
Rename your file to favicon.ico
Put your file under:


Here you will have already a file with that name. So you overwrite it.

Now to see your new icon you need to
- reload the page(F5)
- force reloading your page (CTRL-SHIFT-R)
- clear internet tmp files

Have fun...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Joomla 3.0.2: changing font to your site

Go under the root foolder of your website, when you have the folders....:

- administrator
- cache
- cgi-bin
- [.....]
- [.....]
- [.....]
- templates

go under templates ---> "your-current-template-name"

in my case protpostar

go under css

and open template.css file

For example:
find the body field
and edit the font-size value for modify the most relevant points of he site.

You find all other fields here(in this file).


Monday, February 4, 2013

OpenOffice Impress: changing template to an existing presentation

First import it:

Format --> Area --> Bitmap --> Import

choose your template...

After set to use it

Format --> Page --> Background --> Bitmap

and choose your template imported before...

Have fun...